Spiritual books
It's a great opportunity for us to make these eBooks available to Website Visitors. These Spiritual Guides are carefully chosen and made available on the Website as a Digital Library Initiative. We in no way claim copyrights of the content. Due credits are given to the Publishers.
Author Sri Swami Sivananda
Copyrights The Divine Life Society
This is a most valuable and instructive book for the aspirants, particularly for the devotees
of Lord Siva. It contains fifteen chapters. It is full of instructions on practical Sadhana for attaining
Siva-Tattva or God-realisation. The chapters will speak for themselves. The secrets of
Siva-Tandava, Sakti-Yoga, Siva-Tattva, etc., are very nicely presented. The translation of the Saiva
Upanishads is a beautiful addition. The lives of Siva Acharyas, the Bhaktas and the Nayanars are
inspiring and soul-stirring. A study of their lives will make one’s life sublime and holy.
Up to this time, there has been no such presentation on this subject. The philosophical
portion is highly illuminating and helpful to the readers. The book contains the essence of all Saiva
Puranas, such as Periya Puranam, Linga Puranam, Siva Parakrama and Tiruvilayadal Puranam. Its
value is enhanced by the addition of some important Siva-Stotras with English translation.
The book is written in a most lucid and clear style. It must be studied by all religious-minded
persons, as it is of solid worth from the spiritual point of view.
Sri Lalitha Sahasranamam
Story Of Divine Mother
In the celestial realm of our Sanatana Dharma, the Lalitha Sahasranamam, the hymn of a thousand names, adorns the sacred pedestal as an ode to the Goddess Lalita, the embodiment of divine grace and strength. This chant, shrouded in the mystical allure of a thousand epithets, offers a sacred gateway to understanding the cosmic feminine principle and Her omnipotent presence.
The Book contains thousand names of Sri Lalitha, which can be used to find Baby names. Secret Mantras are also added with meaning such as Prayer to Shambhu Deva (By Sri Maha Vishnu & Indra) with meaning, Sambhu Deva’s Invocation of Sri Lalitha (Ashthakarika Sthothram) with meaning and Sarva Devata Krita Sri Lalitha Sthothram with meaning.
Author Sri Swami Sivananda
Copyrights The Divine Life Society
The first edition of this rare treatise on Sixty-three Nayanar Saints from the prolific pen of
the Himalayan Sage and Savant, Sri Swami Sivananda, was published by the Divine Life Society of
South Africa in 1962. The invaluable services rendered by Sri Swami Ramananda of
Sivanandashram, Rishikesh, in the preparation of the manuscript was duly acknowledged.
This precious book has been out of print for a long time. The fourth edition of 1,000 copies
is now being published by the Divine Life Society, Malaysia Branch through the courtesy and
generosity of two devout devotees: Guru Seva Ratna Sri V. Seenivasagam and Guru Bhakti Ratna
Sri T. Saravanamuthu both of whom have had long connections with the Divine Life Society,
Malaysia Branch.
The Saivites in Malaysia and the world at large, and the Hindus in general, will heartily
welcome this publication as a great boon. Apart from the biographies of the Sixty-three nayanar
Saints, this book contains an authoritative article on the Saiva Siddhanta Philosophy, the life of
Saint Manicckavasagar, selections from the utterances of Nayanar saints, and articles on Glory of
Lord Siva, and Puja and Ishta Devata, all by Sri Swami Sivananda, and an evaluation of the
Nayanars Message for us by Sri Swami Venkatesananda.
We express our indebtedness to the Divine Life Society Headquarters for granting
permission to publish this edition in Malaysia.